Yeah! Happy 2 week birthday little man. We went to the doctor today and he weighs 9 lbs 1 oz, that is a 1 lb 1 oz increase in two weeks. Go Mama's milk! He also gained 2 inches putting him at 21 inches long! He is really starting to show some personality, and has had lots of visitors. Just tonight, Bragg and Jessica Vaughn came by to see him and us, "I knew he could do it!" He was a bit disappointed in the Bulldawg baseball teams performance in their last two games, but he has always been more of a football man anyway. He can't wait for the fall!
I would love to say more, but it has really just been a lot of eating, sleeping, and pooping. (Uh-oh, I wonder if I should check the adult content box on my blog settings with that last word.) I do want to thank all the wonderful people from our church who have been bringing us food, Karen LaFlamme, Darlene Linge, Denise Piligian, Natalie and Danielle Snyder, and Tracy Porter. May God pour out blessings on you and your families.
I would like to make a special note about one of those ladies who brought us food. She provides assistance and counseling to families who have had a loved one suffer from traumatic brain injuries. Everyday. As her job. As if that was not enough, she took time out of her schedule of doing this to prepare us an incredible homemade meal and drive it half an hour one way to our house. You may already be touched by her kindness. If not, try this on. The reason she does what she does is because her son suffered one such injury and the need for support became apparent to her. This son apparently resides in a home in another town obviously limiting her time with him. On the day she fixed the meal and brought it to us, he was here visiting for his 21st birthday. He was to return to Clearwater the following day and was staying with a nurse while his mother was blessing us with dinner. If your not teary eyed right now, check your pulse. Tracy Porter, you are a saint, and I will pray for blessings on your life daily. I hope everyone reading this will take a moment to do the same.
Well it looks like I did have a lot to say. Maybe I should get a separate blog for my inner ramblings.
Love to all,
Jason, Lindsey, Grayson, and Abe