Monday, April 27, 2009

What a week!

While I don't have any pictures from this past week to share, I thought I would still update everyone!

Grayson, Abe, Jason, and I all went to South Georgia for a couple of days last week. We stayed with Grayson's Grandma Sha and Thomas...we had a great time!

We got to spend some time with Gigi (Grayson's Great Grandma) and had a delicious meal with her, Grayson was quite the fan of the mashed potatoes. We walked at a beautiful park in Thomasville, went to Grandma Sha's school she taught at, and spent a day with Hannan!

Grayson and his cousin, Hannan, are close in age and they were too cute playing together. Grandma Sha and I even let them take a bath, too cute! Grayson was preoccupied with the faucet, which made me nervous. He tends to find something to investigate and will continually go back to it over and over again...

Hannan cracked me up in the tub, he would throw all the wash cloths out of the tub soaking me and Grandma Sha. The harder I laughed the faster he would throw them out as I put them back in, I couldn't stop laughing! I had a wonderful day with both the boys, but what was really neat was that when one of them starting crawling off somewhere the other one followed! It is going to be fun seeing them grow up together.

One thing we learned...Jason and I can not have a TV that sits on the ground or at a height where Grayson can reach...He was constantly pushing Grandma Sha's TV on and off, he just loves glowing buttons!!!!

When we got back into town, we decided Saturday would be a family day out! We started early and spent the morning at the beach until lunchtime. Grayson loved the water, even though it was cold, he and daddy went out and didn't want to come back! He actually stayed under his sun shade when he wasn't in the water or strolling down the beach, which made me happy because while he had sunscreen on, it was my first time putting it on my squirmy little boy.

After a nap, Grayson seemed ready to go and so off we went to our neighborhood's pool. Once again, Grayson loved the water and the only problem was when we wanted to get him out, he wanted in that pool the whole time!!! It was an awesome day and we all slept great that night!

We can't wait until this weekend, Mimi and Papa are coming to visit and then we are all going to a wedding in St. Simons. More to come, hope everyone is doing great!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Cousin Hannan!

Mandi, Flossie, and baby Lizzie...ADORABLE!
What are these two up to?

Not sure what is going on with our blog, but it won't let me move pictures to show everyone how the day progressed...sad! That's okay, because we do have pictures and while they are in no particular order you can see just how special the day was for everyone!!! We hope Hannan had a wonderful day, because we sure did!!

Uncle Jim and Becky
Daddy and Uncle Jay
I can say we TRIED to do a family picture...usually one of us is making a funny face...

Daddy and Grayson, my boys, smoochies to you both!

Hannan got some really cool gifts, too many to count!! He was too cute as the man of the hour!

Hannan was so sweet, he shared his new radio flyer wagon with Grayson.

This one I just imagine them talking to each other...

Grayson with his Great Uncle Tim, Grayson just loved this toy and sat forever in Uncle Tim's lap playing with it.

Grayson with his Great Aunt Brenda Sue, Hannan with his Aunt Laurie...bubbles are a hit!

Grayson and Grandma Sha, look at his face...that little lip!

Grayson with Gigi...okay, this face he is making cracks me up! He sure is showing off those top teeth!
One view of the puppy themed birthday party, too cute, they had everything just perfect!

Uncle Jim and the boys

Grayson loved all of Hannan's toys, this is the night before the big day, once again Hannan was so sweet to share!
Hannan's Great Aunt Becky was so sweet to hold Grayson, and she got him to sleep while the party continued on!
I told you Hannan shares! He even gave Grayson a taste of his cake!
I love this one, and we love this family!!!
Abbey was just so sweet and helpful, she and Grayson were buddies!
Hannan just loved his cake!

Left to right: Jay, Jim, Uncle Tim, Papa Jay, and Jason! What a handsome group...
As you can see we had quite a day, there are so many more pictures and I am sure Lela and Jay will post some on their blog too! They were the best host and hostess as usual!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A wonderful start to a great weekend!

Grayson's Uncle Jim came to visit and he brought Becky to the beach, and we loved getting to spend some time with them! While the beach was WINDY, we all laughed, Jason took pictures (that sweetie!), and Grayson played all day long! Of course we had to use their visit to get some great seafood too, it's official that our little family loves to eat...if you've seen Grayson at any meal you know what I mean!
Who knew a bucket and some shovels would be such a hit?! to Georgia to celebrate Grayson's cousin's birthday! Let the fun continue...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter AND Happy 10 months Grayson!

We had a wonderful day and thought we would share some pictures...from the awesome church service to "hunting" eggs on the beach...Happy Easter Florida-style!

Below is Grandma Sha's gifts she mailed extra special to Grayson, see you next weekend! Grayson just loves Elmo, books, and I of course love the cute outfits!!!!
Grayson had 2 outfits for Easter...little boys! The second one below in all of the beach pictures is extra special! This outfit was my brother's (Grayson's Uncle Tyler) outfit as a baby boy, and I promise to keep it in as good of shape as it came to us in for his little boy one day!! Love you mom and Tyler for letting us have these sweet clothes with such good memories!

Mood music if you want

Jason's Pics