Saturday, February 28, 2009

Leslie and Katie come to visit!

My sweet friends Leslie and Katie came to visit this week and we had such a great time! Grayson was quite the trooper as we got in and out of the car and strolled around shopping. While he took a nap at the restaurant, we had lunch and did what we do best...talked! It was so nice to spend time with them and I have to say that the girls were a big help as we heaved Grayson in and out, buckled him, etc.... whew, we were all tired!
But...not too tired to keep enjoying the day and head to the beach. Grayson loved it and wanted to be down with his toes in the sand the entire time. Then, it was bath time for all and we got ready for dinner at O.C. Whites! If you know Jason and I, when you visit we always make it an excuse to eat there, it's great, just ask anyone! Well, needless to say we were all ready for the bed after our long day!

While I was sad to see them go, we got to spend some quality time together and Grayson got a taste of why I love them so much! Grayson can't wait to see his Auntie Leslie and Katie again!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mimi's goody box!

Today Grayson got something in the mail from his Mimi (my mom). When a big box comes, we know Mimi has some goodies in there for little man! This package was full of clothes for the spring, a handmade gift for me (which I always love!), socks for Grayson's growing piggies, a Valentine's day card with a special gift, puffs, and a new snack, biter biscuits! When we got the goody box it was the perfect time to let him try this new snack and the pictures show the delicious mess! Thank you Mimi, we love you!!!!!!!!!This picture below is detailing the cookie beard he developed!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A day at the park!

We weren't sure if the weather would cooperate for us to take any pictures at the part this weekend, but after church we saw our chance! This is a park Jason mentioned to me years ago as a place to take Abe, I never did, but last week Grayson had a play date there and we loved it! Sorry to say the swings were all taken when we stopped off, so I will save those shots for another day. We looked at the river, birds, flowers, trees...everything is a first for Grayson and it is so special to be a part of it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

My funny Valentine

I only wish I had my camera for the day Grayson made Valentines for his family...

We were going to go to Borders and pay $2 and make Valentines with other kids, glad we did a test run at home! I found some cute small Valentine cards at Target, then a washable ink pad. We were simply (haha) going to put his handprint on them and mail them out. So we sat in our highchair with supplies in front of us and began. I found out a couple of things:

1. Grayson loves to grab things, not press his hand ever so gently on the pad and then the card...
2. Even though washable ink comes off little hands easily, it doesn't come off the underside of fingernails!

Well, after cutting fingernails so that my son didn't look like he had painted his nails pink, and sending off some Valentines with smeared ink, sometimes 3 fingers, or a blur of his hand, we decided it was a job well done. Or at least some funny memories, Grayson had fun, and maybe we will do Borders next year, haha!

Wishing everyone an early happy heart day, we hope to get out this weekend and take some pictures to post of the family. We are truly enjoying the weather here, and I just have to show you all some shots of Grayson in a swing, of course he is chilling and laughing, it is just too cute to try to describe!

Love, love!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Walkers, crib soothers, and books oh my!

I feel as though I have to constantly be taking pictures of Grayson these days, he is growing and changing so much and I have him right in front of me! What a week, and we still have the weekend to go, who knows what he will be up to by the time Sunday rolls around!

When Grayson is in his walker, you can tell how proud he is of being able to run all over the house. Abe runs away and Grayson is not too far behind him laughing, they have had few successful encounters. Abe may be older, but he is still quick, but it doesn't seem to bother Grayson!

Little man is also working on his top two teeth, well for now only one is barely showing through, which would be funny if he just got one first, haha! Then the whole crawling thing, every time we are in his room we get on the floor and roll around crawl a little, and of course READ! He loves books, we go each week to story times at our local libraries. We are blessed to have so many libraries around us and they each have different story times for babies. I get to meet some mommies and Grayson gets to interact with other babies and we read, sing songs, and play with BUBBLES! Okay, I know it is for him, but I have a lot of fun too!! Still the center of attention, no matter where we go Grayson is smiling at everyone, he never meets a stranger.

Grayson has a crib soother as you can see in the pictures. We usually cut it on at night for him. However, he has other plans for his nap times! Downstairs I will have the monitor and all of the sudden I will hear the button being pushed multiple times, followed by the soother's music. If you go up and sneak in, he is millimeters away from the soother, and he doesn't mind getting caught, he just flashes a smile and keeps on doing it!

Monday, February 2, 2009

...and we are off...

Today was a big day for Grayson! While it poured outside, we were having a party inside the Faircloth house. For the last few weeks Grayson has been trying to crawl, he'd get up on all fours and rock back and forth. Then he'd get on his knees and prop the rest of his body up with his head (sorry if that is a bad description!)...and now, we have his first successful attempt at crawling! I guess you can see in the video that it is really just a leg and an arm, but we were soooo excited! And it takes him a little bit to get going. More to come as he continues to get mobile, watch out Abe!

Sorry for how loud it is, or rather how loud I am...I will remember the next time we record (hehe)! Just make sure you turn the volume down so I don't blow you away!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Grandparents, what a blessing!!!

Grayson's Mimi and Papa (my parents) came to visit us last weekend. I was afraid Grayson was coming down with something, but it wasn't anything that some Grandparent time couldn't cure!!!

There are times I wish they were closer so that he could see them more, but when we do visit or they come here, it is a weekend of fun and great memories. We relax and play with Grayson, who knew handing him off to Mimi for a diaper change or Papa to calm him down could be so nice? Wait... I knew that, hehe! We usually eat great seafood and shop a little too. This trip Mimi and Papa loaded him and us up with clothes and the highlight was the walker for Grayson. We even let him try one out at the store, and instantly we all knew it would be a hit!

We had to rearrange the downstairs so that he has a straight shot from one end of the house to the other. Along the way, he tends to stop off at Abe's food bowl to try and get a handful of what he thinks are puffs, but really dog food. Then, he will bump into a chair, the front door, his daddy's recliner, the entertainment get the idea. Oh, and when I say bump, I mean the bumpers on the walker hit these things, not him (haha, another story later)! It is hilarious, and he can really move in that thing, I don't think he will walk, he will run!

He also got another baby einstein dvd and he absolutely loves them, it is the only thing he has ever seen on TV that he will laugh out loud at and talk to (his only words, da da da da da).

We love you Mimi and Papa, see you soon!!!!

Mood music if you want

Jason's Pics