Sunday, September 7, 2008

Summer in a flash

Well, its after labor day, Grayson is three months old, the parents are tired, and the dog is still confused. Looking back at our pictures off of our camera, a lot has happened since the fourth of July when we last downloaded a bundle of photos. Here are a few more that tell the tale themselves. Hope you enjoy.

We caught up with the Harrisons and they treated us to a seafood dinner! Instant friends, these kids.
Grayson had his first of many trips to the beach. Whether he knew it or not. (That guy to the right has on a swimsuit, I promise)
We also went out to Clarks fish camp, where we saw stuffed animals galore, and some folks got in a bar fight. Neato, huh?

........Okay, the previous section of this post was written weeks ago and left unfinished. I am just going to throw it up there like it is and get on with the new stuff.



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