Friday, February 13, 2009

My funny Valentine

I only wish I had my camera for the day Grayson made Valentines for his family...

We were going to go to Borders and pay $2 and make Valentines with other kids, glad we did a test run at home! I found some cute small Valentine cards at Target, then a washable ink pad. We were simply (haha) going to put his handprint on them and mail them out. So we sat in our highchair with supplies in front of us and began. I found out a couple of things:

1. Grayson loves to grab things, not press his hand ever so gently on the pad and then the card...
2. Even though washable ink comes off little hands easily, it doesn't come off the underside of fingernails!

Well, after cutting fingernails so that my son didn't look like he had painted his nails pink, and sending off some Valentines with smeared ink, sometimes 3 fingers, or a blur of his hand, we decided it was a job well done. Or at least some funny memories, Grayson had fun, and maybe we will do Borders next year, haha!

Wishing everyone an early happy heart day, we hope to get out this weekend and take some pictures to post of the family. We are truly enjoying the weather here, and I just have to show you all some shots of Grayson in a swing, of course he is chilling and laughing, it is just too cute to try to describe!

Love, love!


The adventures in Reagan's world said...

I was laughing so hard when I read this....I totally understand. You are brave! Reagan would have been eating the ink so I think he did very well. See you Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Gigi and I enjoyed our Valentine's cards so very much with Grayson's little handprints on them! They are still on display at our homes. Thank you so very much!

I love you all!
G'ma Sha

Mood music if you want

Jason's Pics