Sunday, September 13, 2009

Exciting Updates!

Well, we have been busy, but who isn't these days? I guess that excuse is out, more excuses. I am graduating next week from my Masters program, and could not be more ready for this occassion! I hope to rejoin the blogging world and spend more time with my hubby and little boy!

Jason's work is going great, while he is traveling more, we know that it is a blessing to be so busy. He puts a lot of emphasis on still being at home at night when possible and making it to any appointments for Grayson #2! Yep, for those of you who might not know Grayson is going to be a big brother, wow, to say it is still surreal! At this point things are going well, we have been to the doctor twice and have heard the heartbeat. This baby is due March 6th. Grayson will be 21 months old, and we just know he will be the best big brother. We know it will keep us on our toes and if we thought we were busy now, just wait. At the same time, we can't think of anything better to do with our time than grow our little family!

Grayson is getting cuter by the day! He loves to run all over the house, drools like a maniac...molars and the rest of his teeth are coming in all at the same time! He is doing pretty well with it though, he's one tough little boy. Grayson still eats well, he will usually try anything we give him at least once, however, some meals have been challenging to get him to eat lately. We think it's just a phase, but sometimes I do get stressed, it seems silly for me to get like that, but I am working on it!

We are moving into a season where some of my dearest friends are having babies and getting married, it seems we have so many celebrations ahead, and both events are such a blessing and a revelation of God's love for us and how much He wants us to experience joy. I just want God to get all the glory, because He is the source.

I hope this finds you all doing well, getting ready for fall, and just have to say...GO DAWGS!


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