Wednesday, July 1, 2009

WOW! It's been too long!!

Okay, so a lot has happened since my last post. Between our beach vacation, Grayson's first birthday bash, and moving...we have been non-stop, and the ability to sit down quietly for a few minutes at my computer has been non-existent!

Hope you all liked the recap in pics, and I wanted to refer you also to Grayson's first birthday pictures from Studio Viohl in Moultrie, GA. You can look at them by going to and find any picture of Grayson and click on it to view the rest! They were great and of course we can't believe our little man is a year old now!

Some new things he started doing....

1. WALKING, yes, he is too cute and he is quite awesome when he toddles across the room or follows you...we are so proud!
2. Counting from 1-4, he did it tonight while Jason was giving him a bath! He had some bath toys lined up on the side of the tub and counted them off, when I got in there he would only count to three but it is sooooo cute!
3. He also has started this tantrum thing where if you take something away from him or if he doesn't want you to leave him, he will follow you and then throw himself in your arms sobbing...I have to admit, it makes me melt in a way and then fight back laughing because he is being so dramatic. The water works are of course over in minutes.
4. Down to one bottle at night...this kind of makes me sad too, but happy he is adjusting to getting rid of his ba-ba. For any of you who have seen Grayson and his bottles or eating in general, you know this has been a difficult task for him. However, he loves everything we give him and cow's milk is just fine with him in a sippy cup. I could list all of the things he has tried and likes, but it would take too long...the cutest is watching him eat spaghetti...a bath is required immediately after!
If you didn't know, we also moved after Grayson's birthday. We are now in Thomasville, GA for a hiatus from Jacksonville in the hopes of growing BCI (Jason's work which is now on Facebook and twitter and putting links here helps out so check them out at and We plan to be here for a few months to see what happens and we still have our place in Jacksonville. This is definitely an exercise in faith, and we are excited to see what God has in store for us!
Love to you all!

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